martes. 25.03.2025
Listas musicales

Marvel rinde homenaje a la música rap

Marvel rinde homenaje a las mejores portadas de rap de la historia. Pocas cosas en la historia del cine han ganado popularidad tan rápido como las películas de Marvel. Ya ha habido en otras ocasiones relación de estos dos géneros como el rap Marvel. Un grupo de artistas han querido representar las portadas más conocidas de discos de rap con personajes de este universo de comic.

Si te gustan las películas o comics de Marvel y el rap, has venido al sitio adecuado, superhéroes como Iron Man, Black Panther, Los Guardianes de la Galaxia o Wolverine representan las portadas de los discos más emblemáticos de Biggie, Dr. Dre, Jay Z o 50 Cent.

Aquí os dejamos las mejores portadas de rap fusionadas con los superhéroes de Marvel.

Death Certificate ft Wolverine
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Death Certificate ft Wolverine

Illadelph Halflife ft The Avengers
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Illadelph Halflife ft The Avengers

The Black Album ft Black Panther
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The Black Album ft Black Panther

Ready to die ft Antman
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Ready to die ft Antman

Supa Dupa Fly ft Black Widow
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Supa Dupa Fly ft Black Widow

Attention Deficit ft Deadpool
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Attention Deficit ft Deadpool

Illmatic ft Spiderman
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Illmatic ft Spiderman

"Enter The Wu-Tang" de Wu-Tang Clan
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"Enter The Wu-Tang" ft Squadron Supreme

3 Feet High & Rising ft X-Men
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3 Feet High & Rising ft X-Men

Long. Live. A$ap ft Sam Wilson
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Long. Live. A$ap ft Sam Wilson

Bizarre Ride II ft Guardianes de la galaxia
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Bizarre Ride II ft Guardianes de la galaxia

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill ft Kamala Khan
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The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill ft Kamala Khan

Madvillaniy ft The Mighty Thor
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Madvillaniy ft The Mighty Thor

Get Rich or Die Tryin' ft Iron Man
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Get Rich or Die Tryin' ft Iron Man

The Chronic ft Dr. Dre
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The Chronic ft Dr. Strange

Return to the 36 Chambers ft Howard the Duck
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Return to the 36 Chambers ft Howard the Duck

Mecca And The Soul Brother ft Hawkeye y Kate Bishop
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Mecca And The Soul Brother ft Hawkeye y Kate Bishop

Paid In Full ft Spiderman
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Paid In Full ft Deadpool

Wolf de Tyler ft Squirrel Girl
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Wolf de Tyler ft Squirrel Girl

Capital Punishment ft Spider Woman
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Capital Punishment ft Spider Woman

Schoolboy Q ft Doctor Strange
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Schoolboy Q ft Doctor Strange

Action Bronson & Alchemist - Solo
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Action Bronson & Alchemist ft Solo

Insane Clown Posse - Foolkiller
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Insane Clown Posse ft Foolkiller

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MC Lyte ft Great Lake Avengers

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Goblin ft Rocket

A Tribe Called Quest’s “Midnight Marauders” ft Spider-man
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A Tribe Called Quest’s “Midnight Marauders” ft Spider-man

Long Live The King - Black Panther
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Long Live The King - Black Panther

Earl - Mosaic
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Earl - Mosaic

Marvel rinde homenaje a la música rap