sábado. 26.10.2024

El mural pintado en honor del difunto Prodigy a principios de esta semana en Queens ha sido desfigurado. Esta obra de arte fue pintada por los artistas Jeff Henriquez y Eli Lazare en el edificio Urban Upbound como os mostramos en la imagen  que os dejamos a continuación:

Como veis es una autentica maravilla que honra a quién fue una parte muy importante en el rap estadounidense y mundial, pues bien, el día 8 de Julio un energúmeno lanzó pintura blanca sobre el mural dejándolo destrozado e irreconocible, a continuación podéis ver como quedó:

Prodigy said once upon a time.. "I give thanks to the creator 'cause my life is blessed / And wish all the haters nothing but the best / This is Infamous 'till the name wear out / Clock run out, sun burn out and all hell freezes over When Babylon fall, I'll be by the shoulder Of the Most High, laughing my balls off like good riddance / Until then I'll be in the soup kitchen / Cookin' up shit like this for poverty stricken / Under privileged, brothers and sisters We're soldiers of the global resistance, forgive me... For being late, I was goin' through some things / I had to come of age and go through growing pains / You don't realize what you got 'till it's gone I had to lose it all to see what I was doing wrong / I was stripped bare down to my soul and burnt out / Then rose like a Phoenix through the fire These people get fat while we starve and go through hell / Nobody looking for no hand out, we offer our skills / In return for a little scraps And on the glass, I seen you laugh when I turned my back / They say revenge is a sweet dish best served cold / But fuck that I need mine fresh off the stove Yeah it's best served cold, but fuck that I need mine fresh....." * With that being said, say a prayer for whoever did this to this magnificent art piece for he or she doesn't understand what this man has done for these little duns on the come up to spread the love of the Dun Language by a group who evolved the world in this modern music age of Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop, it's worldwide...they are watching. - DJ FATFINGAZ 2017 #ripprodigy #PRODIGY #prodigymobbdeep #queensbridge #QGTM #QUEENS #NYC #NEWYORKCITY @elementsofstyle_nyc

Una publicación compartida de ::: DJ FATFINGAZ ::: NYC 🗽::: (@djfatfingaznyc) el

De momento no se sabe quién fue el autor de esta atrocidad, lo único que tenemos claro es que es un irrespetuoso.

Revientan un mural en honor al fallecido Prodigy